Saturday 16 February 2008

Long silence...long holiday

A long silence in my blog.

We have been away to asia for 2 months, from 29 Nov 07 to 10 Feb 08. Long holiday eh....but no, it wasn't a relaxing holiday at all. Quite stressful and tiring with all the pack-n-go trips between Spore, Msia and China. But I must say, it is WONDERFUL seeing family and friends. I want to say sorry to friends that I didn't meet this trip, miss them a lot but with Gabriel, really can't do much.

There is no internet access in my KL kampung so I stop doing anything back to my life in UK, kinda enjoy the IT freedom - just completed a purchase with Mannatech and GLTC...hehe..

Lot of things to sort out in place, and the house is overhead by spider's wed....and Gabriel gave us a BIG SCARE on Friday - he fell from bed, hit hard to the edge of drawer.....a big cut on his forehead, bleeding heavily, scaring me to hell. Rush him to A&E and he was treated immediately, no stitch but glue, it was bad enough to put me in tear!!!!!!

1 comment:

Sue said... jealous..haha...
Hope Gabriel's cut will be alrite...btw...I have a new