Just when I was wondering how to floss Gabriel's teeth, I found this amazingly CUTE flossers in Tesco. I grasp 2 packs as they are in sale, down from 1.29 to 49 pence!!
It say the flossers for age 6+ BUT.....
We tried them, it WORK for age 3 too - of course mummy have to do the job nicely!! Actually it work much better than the usual floss, easier to handle and get the little one to co-operate.
Gabriel is very happy to choose from the bag of flossers that come in different colour and shape, obediently letting mummy do the job, and eagerly looking to the next flossing!!! Take a look of the tiny flossers, they are very cute...
The next day, I bought another 6 packs from Tesco, before the sale end!! The flossers is for one-time use, I find it too cute to throw after use so I cut the string and keep the handle for future use - they are good for counting, or art work!!
Good buy, I am chuffed!!