Thursday 18 September 2008

1st Dental Checkup

I brought Gabriel for his 1st dental check-up on the 29 August 2008. The check-up is long overdue - some parents in UK take their kids to visit dentist at their 1st birthday, BUT I think age 21/2 to 3 is just good time because :

(1) more teeth to check ;-)

(2) kids have better understanding of dental check-up

(3) easier to get active kids to sit still during checking

Gabriel is receiving free dental service up to the age of 18 in UK. Being a first timer to the dental clinic, mummy is acting bit "kiasu" by booking 2 appointments at different clinic - to see how the service differ. The next appointment due 23 Sept 2008.


The check-up discover an early sign of one tooth decay - mummy was more panic than shock about this. Gabriel love sweets and has the most damaging habit of keeping food in his mouth so it is no wonder he has early decay!!

REMEDY to save the teeth.....

(1) clean teeth thoroughly

(2) floss the teeth...doesn't matter he is 3

(3) change to low fluoride tooth paste *

(4) apply a tiny dot of tooth paste on the decay area after cleaning

(5) limit frequency of food intake

(6) limit sweets intake

(7) intensive education of keeping clean & healthy teeth

*Gabriel been using 'fluoride free' tooth paste as he still swallows some of the paste. A dentist friend advised tooth paste with fluoride will leave white spot on teeth if kid swallow too much. Now that Gabriel needs the fluoride to save his teeth, I started to insist he spit out after brushing!!

Mummy launched a teeth cleaning campaign at home, Gabriel has been responding well!!

Happy brushing.............


etceteramommy said...

Thanks for the tips. Time for me to change his toothpaste. I'm also worried about my boy's teeth but I'm not if he is ready for a dental visit. :(

Oh.. on the dslr.. I normally set to Apperture setting and use the metering to gauge the right esposure. The pics don't always come out satisfactory, let alone perfect. That's when Photoshop will come in handy. Ngek ngek....

Emily said...

hey thanks for sharing the dslr skill. Most of your pic are good, I like especially the composition which always managed to convey the feel of the image. Good job friend!!!

Gabriel is doing very well with teeth brushing now and I floss his teeth almost everyday. The flosser work like magic. I will being few pack home, if I see you in KL or Spore, I will give you one pack.

Try it and inpart good brushing habit. Also you can do a self check on Ryan teeth if you are not confident for a dental visit. I did and discovered the decay actually b4 the dentist did.

oh.....lot to share....mummy's club ;-)